FAL Q2 Tutorial Week - Binding by Machine

** This tutorial is part of the Q2 FAL tutorial week. **

I know there are a few tutorials out there on sewing the quilt binding by machine and there are a few different ways to go about it.  I thought I would write about how I sew my quilt bindings by machine. If you have questions about any of it, please ask them in the comments below.

First, prepare your binding at 2 1/2" like you would for any other binding methods and sew it to the front of the quilt.

When the binding is completely sewn to the top of the quilt, turn the binding to the back of the quilt and secure every couple of inches with binding clips.

When you get to a corner, use your fingers to fold the binding so you get a near perfect corner and place a binding clip.

Once the binding is secured with the clips to the back of the quilt, put the quilt under the needle, with the top of the quilt facing you.  Sew right next to the binding on the front of the quilt, catching the binding on the back as you sew.

The trick is to make sure the width of your binding on the front is consistent.  On the front of the quilt, the binding looks just like a hand sewn binding, especially if you use matching thread because you won't even be able to see the stitches.

And on the back, it looks like this, which is not bad at all if your binding width is consistent.

This is my preferred binding method, especially for baby quilts that will get washed a lot!

Don't forget to check out the other tutorials for this week (all the links are on the Q2 Finishes Link-up page) and if you have any last minute finishes, you can link up until the end of the day on July 1.

The Q3 Proposed Finishes link-up with open on July 2.  Get those lists written up!


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