May is for Makers - Week 4

May Is For Makers |

Who knew selecting patterns to purchase for May is for Makers would be so difficult!  There are so many awesome patterns out there, I have spent way too much time on Pinterest and IG lately trying to make my weekly selections.

The pattern I selected this week popped up in my Pinterest and Bloglovin' feeds a few times over the last few months and every time, I liked it more and more.  So this week's purchase is Heading South by Material Girl Quilts.

I think maybe it's the different sizes for the geese or maybe it's the negative space or maybe it's because this would be another great scrappy quilt to help tame my scraps.  I'm not quite sure why, but this one really called out at me!

And with that, I'm off to scroll through the #mayisformakers hashtag on IG to try and find next week's pattern!


  1. Great choice! I hadn't seen the pattern before so it just goes to show May is for Makers is a great way of discovering new patterns and designers as well as a way of getting more patterns sold ☺


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