Wednesday Weigh In

Weigh In Wednesday

Here we are at the end of our 1st month...  and I'm super excited to share my results!

Goal:  - 30 lbs
This week:  - 4 lbs
Total:  - 10 lbs!!!

If I keep going at this rate, I will have lost 50 lbs by my birthday!  How cool is that?!

Counting my calories has really, really helped.  And it's helping for 2 reasons:  1st - it's keeping me on track and making sure I'm not overeating.  2nd - before I put anything into my mouth, I make sure I have its nutrional value so I can track the calories, fat grams, etc.  A lot of times, I'll end up not snacking because I simply don't know how many calories I'm going to be eating.

The best about this healthier diet is that my diabetic sweetie, who doesn't usually take care of his diet AT ALL, is now "copying" me and eating way healthier.  Our doctor will be so proud when we go for our visit in the Spring!  :-)

Make sure you go over to Missy Mac's and give some support to fellow bloggers!

Oh - and I just remembered this good quote which I thought I could share with you all:

"Nothing tastes as good as being healthy feels."  - Unknown


  1. Ok I'm making that my motto for this week!!
    Fantastic Izzy, well done on being so healthy and making great progress :)
    Nice it's having an impact on your husband too!

  2. YAY for you. 10lbs is amazing. I think I need to start counting calories too. I've just been sort of, kind of watching what I eat and upping the exercise... but things are slowing down now. Ahh... time to get serious me thinks. Thanks for the great inspriration. You should be so proud. :)

  3. wow 4 lbs. loss..congratulations!
    I think I will have to try writing a diet journal on what I eat..counting calories might be a bit difficult since the calories information about food here is not generally available. :(

    I hope you have a wonderful week. :) WTG!


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