Wednesday Weigh In

Weigh In Wednesday

So not a fantastic week in the healthy living department. I did eat very well (until tonight at least - but it's my baby's 14th birthday today so that means cake). But, and it's a big but (no pun intended), no exercise to speak of this week.

Here are my stats:
Goal: - 30 lbs
This week: - 2 lbs
Total: - 4 lbs
Inches: no significant change
Total: - 1 inch

I plan on continuing with the meal plans for next week AND add at least 4 walks of 20-30 minutes each.

Be sure to go and support everyone over at Missy Mac's!

That's it for now. Talk to you later.


  1. 2lbs = awesome! Well done. A little cake here and there is fine so don't worry about that. You're doing great! :)

  2. 2 lbs is nothing to sneeze at! slow and steady wins the race, and is healthier and more likely to stay off long term. You did great this week!

  3. Izzy that's fantastic! Now off you go for a walk ;)

  4. Great job :-) Eat a little cake and enjoy then walk tomorrow!

  5. Nicely done! It's all about the small steps so you're doing great!


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